
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Future Self.

Another one from Reverb 10.  December 21:  Future Self.  Imagine yourself 5 years from now.  What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead?  (Author:  Jenny Blake)

Dear Self,

The year ahead of you will be one of the most exciting, greatest, challenging years of your entire life.  Don't be scared.  Go out into this strange, new world and experience as much as you possibly can.  Keep an open mind.  Don't be so quick to judge others and the way they live.

Take an interest in learning about new cultures and traditions.  Choose your friends wisely.  They will be around for a long time to come.  Let good people into your life, and let go of those you're better off without.  Try to make wise decisions, but don't regret the bad ones either.  They are stepping stones.  Explore.  Not just foreign and exotic lands, but explore the city you call home as well.  Learn from everything.  Make an effort to keep in touch with the people who live thousands of miles away.  Think of them often especially when times get lonely.  Step outside of your comfort zone as much as you can.  Don't be so easily embarrassed.  Cautiously let down the walls you've spent so much time building up.  Surround yourself with people who challenge you do to this.  And lastly, appreciate.  Appreciate everything about this year, about this experience, about your travels, about the country where you were born.  Appreciate yourself and the person you will be at the end of this journey.



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